Jane High

Bespoke Animal Portraits

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Bumble Bee Box

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The second free little library in Hadleigh, Essex and the concept of Kate Pagram, who approached me with the initial idea of creating a local community project. Carpentry skills were courtesy of Murray Hill of Interior and Construction Ltd https://www.iandcltd.co.uk/ Each one of us gave our time voluntarily and the Reverend Ruth Cartwright kindly agreed to site the bumble bee box outside the Rectory on Rectory Close, Hadleigh at an opening event on the 2nd of October, 2021.

On receiving the library I first painted the roof in alternate yellow and brown stripes using a wood preserver. Then I sketched out the first singular bee and honeycomb design on one end of the box and proceeded using System 3 acrylic paints. I decided to add a surrounding wash in burnt umber so that the wood grain would still be visible. Next I completed a similar design on the opposite end but added three smaller bees instead. The doors were covered with a honeycomb effect and I added flicks of white paint for texture. The finished bumble bee box was then coated with two layers of exterior gloss varnish.

I hope the general public enjoy our ‘Free Little Libraries’ as much as we enjoyed bringing them to life!